what is the difference between line and polyline in AutoCAD?

Difference between Line and Polyline (Pline):

The Line and Polyline are two commands with different properties in AutoCAD. In Line Command every time we click, the part between two points. 

The Line Command allows you to create a single straight line or a chain of straight lines. 

  • When we select a polyline it selected as a whole object. On the other side when we select Line it is selected as a single line segment. 
  • We can edit Polyline with "PEDIT Command". On the other side, there is no specific command to edit line.
  • Pline Command can draw curve segments as well as line straight ones but Line Command can draw only line segments.
  • A polyline can have width but a line has no width.
  • After drawing a polyline, you can use the PEdit Command to reshape the polyline into a smooth, flowing curve based on the vertex points you selected but you cannot do this with the line.
  • We can select one line among the chain of lines to edit the drawing. However, in the Polyline Command, there is always a unity which can not be separated. we can only operate the whole unity when executing attribute edition is done.
  • With the Line Command, we can specify a starting and ending point and AutoCAD will draw a simple line connecting two points. It can continue to pick points and AutoCAD will draw a straight line between specified point and the previous point. Each Line is an individual segment and can be modified independently of other lines.
  • Polyline Command allows you to create "ground" objects that can be extruded, given line width on the screen, and can create arc segments.
  • In Polyline Command, we cannot offset in a single line. If we want to offset in a single line then firstly we have to explode the Polyline and give the offset in a single line.

The Polyline is clearly superior to the line and spline. It produces a joined line which is much easier to use for other functions like hatch boundaries and offsetting. It has the extra editing functionality of the multi-function grip. The polyline can provide all that the line and spline cam - but without the associated inefficiencies.

In the specify object:

  • The line specifies is only a part of it. While in Polyline it specifies the while figure of the drawing.
  • The line command can only be used to draw lines and it is easy and simple to operate but In the polyline command, not only we can draw lines, but also we can draw arcs, besides we can add (Arc, Close, Length, Undo, Width) these options to the menu. 
  • We can draw a polyline with changing (Line, width and arc).
  • A polyline is just a series of line segments that are joined together to form a single object.
  • Line Command can be used in 2D drawings and Polyline Command in 3D.
  • The rectangle created with the line command consists of four separate entities.
  • In Polyline Command, a rectangle created with on continuous polyline would be treated as a single entity.
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