How to Draw Arcs in AutoCAD - Arc Command in AutoCAD

ARC Command:


Arc is part of a curve, especially a part of the circumference of a circle.


The shortcut key of ARC command is "A". You can also access ARC command by clicking this icon
There are different options/ways to draw ARC in AutoCAD. The default one is 3-point. Other options/ways written as below:

  1. 3-Point
  2. Start, Center, End
  3. Start, Center, Angle
  4. Start, Center, Length
  5. Start, End, Angle
  6. Start, End, Direction
  7. Start, End, Radius
  8. Center, Start, End
  9. Center, Start, Length
  10. Continue


In 3-Point, you need to specify three points with the help of a mouse or keyboard. These three points are on the circumference.

Start, Center, End:

First, specify the starting point of the arc then center and then the endpoint of the arc.

Start, Center, Angle:

The first point you specify on the screen is the starting point. Then you need to specify the center point as above and then give the angle to give direction.

Start, Center, Length:

The first point specifies the starting point. Then you need to specify center as earlier and at the end specify the length.

Start, End, Angle:

First, specify the starting point then give endpoint and at last specify the angle.

Start, End, Direction:

First, specify the starting point then ending point. At last, you need to give direction.

Start, End, Radius:

First, specify the starting point then give ending point and at last, you need to specify the radius.

Center, Start, End:

First, specify the center point then start point of an arc and at last specify endpoint.

Center, Start, Angle:

First, specify the center point then start point of an arc and at last specify the angle.

Center, Start, Length:

First, specify the center point then start point of an arc and at last specify the length.


Also, watch the video about ARC command.
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